Be perfectly prepared for the new school year! Make the most of the last week of vacation! Preparation is the key to success. With this principle in mind, we offer a unique, comprehensive course that prepares your child as best as possible for the upcoming school year. In the last week of the vacation, we revisit the most important topics of the previous school year and teach efficient learning and organisational strategies. Our course runs from Monday to Friday, daily from 9:00-12:00 and from 13:00-16:00. Each morning/afternoon includes a specific subject or topic and is divided into three subtopics.
Free course materials for home are included in the price to reinforce and consolidate what has been learned. These materials can be used also after the course and especially during the school year. The following topics will be discussed on the respective days in the morning, as well as in the afternoon:
Monday: Mathematics: Calculation strategies, fractions and decimal numbers, proportionality and inverse proportionality
Tuesday: German: Types of words, tenses, essay training
Wednesday: Cross-curricular skills: Organisation, overview and important skills in everyday school life, conflict resolution strategies, self-reflection
Thursday: Learning strategies: Strategies for exam preparation, effective memorisation, analysing, summarising and presenting important information
Friday: Individual learning: Self-organised learning, individual simulation exams on the topics discussed and processed, individual goal setting
Register your child now for our course. It is also possible to only attend individual mornings or afternoons for certain topics. Use our contact form to reserve a place.
Course option 1:
When: Mo. 14.08.23 - Fr. 18.08.23
9:00 Uhr - 12:00 Uhr
Cost: Entire course= 500.-
Single days = 120.- per day
Course option 2:
When: Mo. 14.08.23 - Fr. 18.08.23
13:00 Uhr - 16:00 Uhr
Cost: Entire course= 500.-
Single days = 120.- per day