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Courses and Offers

Holistic Learning provides group courses including improvement of school grades and performance at all levels and in all subjects, homework help, gymnasium preparations and exam simulations for long-term and short-term  school, learning and work strategies, and interdisciplinary competencies such as organization, motivation, presentation skills, participation in class, as well as self-reflection. There are also individual lessons for all topics and subjects with one of our experienced tutors. We also offer extracurricular activities like chess, hang drum, traditional and digital drawing, writing training, and a book club​.

Group Courses:


Improvement of school grades and performances in all

Levels and Subjects

Help in Homework

Preparations for gymnasium and exam simulations



Imparting of learning and working strategies

Interdisciplinary competencies such as organization,

motivation, presentation skills, participation in class,

and self-reflection



Individual lessons:

Individual single lessons on all topics and subjects with one of

our experienced tutors



Improvement of school grades and performances

at all levels and in all subjects

Preparations for gymnasium and exam simulations

for long-term and short-term gymnasium


Imparting of learning and working strategies




Extracurricular Offers:

To become a successful learner, not everything has to be linked with the school routine. In addition to serious academic support, we offer these exciting activities for those interested.




Ausserschulische Angebote
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